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NuGet tries to install System.Runtime-4.0.20 even though it...
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-24

Here I’m trying to say that if nuget package A depended on ≥System.Runtime-4 AND System.Runtime-4.0.20 to make my .net-4.5 app happy, such a dependency would make it impossible for a .net-4.6 project to install both package A and ≥System.Runtime-4.0.20.

What package were you trying to install originally?

I was installing System.Collections.Immutable-1.1.37 into a .net-4.5 project with dependency resolution set to HighestMinor.

This does not mean that the package cannot be installed into a net45 project, that can only be determined by opening the nupkg and looking for compatible framework folders such as lib\\net45.

Ah, so the “.NETFramework,Version 4.6” I see listed in the nuget extension in VS is a heading for the dependencies required when installing into a .net-4.6 project, not a statement that the project requires .net-4.6. Seems a bit pointless for a project to explicitly declare no dependencies for .net-4.6 if you have to list the archive’s contents to figure out whether or not it provides a lib/net46 or not. So I made a very incorrect assumptions there. And fixing this would take quite a bit more effort than I imagined. I thought that nuget was exposing platforms/frameworks as implicitly-defined virtual packages they could participate in the normal dependency resolution graph—but this is not what is happening and changing that would break the HTTP API for existing clients.

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\"weixin_39902545\" weixin_39902545 2月前

NuGet s preview window shows the result of the dependency resolution phase walks through the package dependencies and verifies that all required packages can be found and that there are no conflicts. An example of a conflict during dependency resolution would be if package A required B 2.0.0, but the project already had package C installed which required B 1.5.0.

The net46 you see in the feed is referring to the dependencies required when the project s target framework is net46 or higher. There is no group for net45 which means that there are zero dependencies for net45. This does not mean that the package cannot be installed into a net45 project, that can only be determined by opening the nupkg and looking for compatible framework folders such as lib\\net45.

The highest minor setting does look like an issue when resolving these packages.

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\"weixin_39542710\" weixin_39542710 2月前

Fair enough, we could do better on this. The assumption is that such breaking changes are not introduced in minor versions ( because it breaks semver). System.runtime breaks this unfortunately.

But I m a bit confused to why you even need it to begin with for a 4.6 app?

Reopening to see if we can do anything about it further. My concern is that trying to find the highest minor that satisfies all dependencies is going to raise the cost and complexity of the resolved to a point that it becomes extremely slow.

In this case if system.runtime followed semver that wouldn t be a problem.


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\"weixin_39575054\" weixin_39575054 2月前

The resolution phase used by the preview only looks at dependency information from the feed.

It doesn’t even seem to be looking at information in the feed. I can see ::net46 at https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/Packages%28Id %27System.Runtime%27,Version %274.0.20%27%29 .

In my case, I was trying to install a package that depends on ≥System.Runtime-4. I like to set nuget to resolve dependencies to the “highest minor”, though I really don’t know why I would want to be running anything earlier than the latest available release. If the package I’m trying to install just asks for ≥System.Runtime-4, how can I get the system to automatically select the best package version for me automatically? It wouldn’t make sense for everyone to have to have ≥System.Runtime-4 System.Runtime-4.0.20 because they shouldn’t be required to think about which version of System.Runtime suddenly requires a .net framework. Also, putting in such a requirement would break a .net-4.6 app which requires a fix in System.Runtime-4.0.20. Basically, this feels like a time that nuget is not being smart enough about helping users try to install the best versions of available packages.

Anyway, I still am confused that nuget would get beyond the dependency resolution phase before verifying that all dependencies are either existing or able to be installed. The error output just looks wrong. Does this mean that only half of the dependency checks are performed when building the dependency tree and some “fuller” version of dependency checks waits until the package is about to be installed? Why not just do all the checks up front (putting that code in one shared spot) and avoid a rollback? This confusing behavior is what caused me to open this bug. Nuget claimed it could successfully install System.Runtime-4.0.20 even though it had enough information to determine it shouldn’t be able to and relied on rollback behavior instead of just preventing the installation attempt in the first place.

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\"weixin_39542710\" weixin_39542710 2月前

This is a flaw in how these packages where shipped. Minor release changes should not be breaking compatibility. We also do not want the server to keep understanding all versions of target framework logic, because it does not scale to the multitude of private servers out there (where they have to update whenever the nuget logic changes).

These packages will start following semver more strictly going forward and this particular pain point will eventually go away.

As it is we don t plan making any changes in this area at least for now.

If you feel this is the wrong decision, please re-open and provide some more input on why this must be fixed.

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\"weixin_39902545\" weixin_39902545 2月前

The final compatibility check where this is failing requires downloading the nupkg and checking the contents. The resolution phase used by the preview only looks at dependency information from the feed.

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本文链接: http://numinor.immuno-online.com/view-685911.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)